I know I am biased but I have to say she is beautiful!!!! Last night was the big night! We started doing her hair at 4:30 PM. It took an hour! She has a lot of hair and she wanted me to spiral curl it for her. It was actually a lot of fun sitting in the bathroom with her. I got to hear all about all the girls' dresses, the boys they liked, the boys who liked them (of course they never like the ones that like them), and that they were serving pizza and cheesecake for refreshments. I don't remember them ever serving pizza at my HS dances??? Then she went over to a neighbor's house to have her make-up done. THANKS KIM! It looked amazing! We got her dressed and took a few photos and then left for the dance at about 6:40 PM. I was able to go in with her and take some photos of her and some friends as people were still arriving. I was so excited that she wanted me there. I thought that maybe that would not be "cool"....having your mom walking around snapping pictures but every time I tried to leave she would stop me and want another photo. That was pretty neat for me. The DJ was 45 min. late. I think that helped my cause......she had nothing else to do but run around saying Hi to everyone and taking photos! Dave actually did pretty well with it. I though he would pace around the house shaking his head but he just smiled, told her she looked beautiful, and to have a good time. Daddy held it together pretty well considering his daughter looks like this......
I just love this picture of Alyssa and Tyler! They are the best of friends and are not afraid of people knowing that. Alyssa is the one person that can get Tyler to smile for a photo!
Alyssa and Christian
The one and only person at school that makes Alyssa look "short" ....her friend Caden
Those girls are in 9th grade?! What?! I didn't look like that until....I'm not sure I ever looked that that.
Good for Dave to learn to let go now....(lucky for him she's not boy crazy.) He has a few years before Ashley sends him to the hospital I suppose.
Awww, she looks so cute! Her friends look cute too. Those boys are cute...which one does she like (or does she like them both?). Glad she had fun. Is Ashlee boy crazy? I can see her wanting to beat boys up!
Ashlee is far more into boys then Alyssa ever was....we will see if it turns into "boy crazy"! As for the guys in the photos with Alyssa, Caden is just a friend. She is like I was...lots of friends that are boys....they are easier to get along with (smile, smile) The other boy, Christian, he like Alyssa and and she thinks she might kind of like him but she is not reallysure and not willing to put a lot of time into it anyway! She prefers the friend thing....she says being "boyfriend/girlfrind" just ruins things. I think she has her head on straight!
She was so excited to get ready for the big dance! It is so fun seeing a little glimpse into the life of these wonderful Young Women. Alyssa looks so beautiful! She told me the dress looks so much better in person than on the hanger so I hope she wears it out sometime (church maybe?). What fun pictures you have to remember such a fun night!
Alyssa looked absolutely gorgeous!!! I am so glad McKilee and her have eachother. It has been fun to see them grow up, but does it have to go soooo fast?!? I remember when they were in 6th grade and thought they owned the place. I guess those days have come and gone. We'll look forward to the ones ahead!
Yeah! Pictures of her smiling and not making the funny faces. Love them! She looks beautiful!
Did they do it like ours does and it is just everyone dresses up? It wasn't a "date" dance was it?
jenn, you better answer kim right away! she will have a heart attack if she thinks it was a "date" dance. : ) he he!
no it was not a date dance. The kid just have to dress up nice and the decorate the place really nice. The theme was "A night in New York"
Love the pictures, Alyssa looks beautiful. I love her dress. It was so perfect for her. BEAUTIFUL!
Alyssa looked amazing. I can't believe she is already going to high school dances, it's probably a good thing it was a bunch of friends going together its alot funner that way. Ty and Alyssa are so cute I am glad they are best friends I always tell my kids to be best friends and they think no way. way to go David. remember what dad did to my date the first time I went? See ya all soon.
you aren't biased. She is beautiful! I'm glad she had a good time!
Alyssa...I got tears in my eyes looking at ur pictures....I think you look soooo beautiful! I know Grandma was smiling the whole time of the dance. I especially love the picture of you and Tyler.
ps...i think you look like the actress Brooke Shields!
How fun! She looks like she had a great time. It's so hard on the Dad's, but what a great transition this dance is - no dates.
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