We finally told the kids about their Disneyland Christmas present. It was really funny. We set up the Christmas tree on a Sunday night and I got all the lights put on so it would be ready to decorate on Monday for FHE. The kids were coming in and out of the room but not really paying much attention to what I was doing. When we called them into the room for prayer, they noticed a gift under the tree. They started asking questions about it....it had no tag.....and I claimed to know nothing about the mysterious gift. I finally told them they better open it and see what it is. Inside a there were Disney t-shirts, mickey mouse Christmas ornaments, hopper passes and some photos of the family while we were there last summer. It took them a minute to finally put it together and then they started screaming! It was hilarious. Tyler commented that we sound like we just won the Superbowl (since the winning team always says "we're going to Disneyland"....I guess he still eat, sleeps, and drinks football) It has been a fun 3 weeks as we listen to the kids talk about going and which ride we will ride first and where to eat. We have been several time and the kids all know exactly where they want to go! I thought it was really sweet that they all want to go on It's a Small World in memory of Grandma. I am not sure that should be the first ride....maybe the last. It was Mom's favorite ride so it will be a flood of memories for me and the song is really annoying and I don't want to be singing it all day! So we are off to sunny California on Friday at noon. I guess I have a chance at that "real good tan" for Christmas after all. Well maybe not "real good" but better then if I stayed here in this awful snow!
We finally told the kids about their Disneyland Christmas present. It was really funny. We set up the Christmas tree on a Sunday night and I got all the lights put on so it would be ready to decorate on Monday for FHE. The kids were coming in and out of the room but not really paying much attention to what I was doing. When we called them into the room for prayer, they noticed a gift under the tree. They started asking questions about it....it had no tag.....and I claimed to know nothing about the mysterious gift. I finally told them they better open it and see what it is. Inside a there were Disney t-shirts, mickey mouse Christmas ornaments, hopper passes and some photos of the family while we were there last summer. It took them a minute to finally put it together and then they started screaming! It was hilarious. Tyler commented that we sound like we just won the Superbowl (since the winning team always says "we're going to Disneyland"....I guess he still eat, sleeps, and drinks football) It has been a fun 3 weeks as we listen to the kids talk about going and which ride we will ride first and where to eat. We have been several time and the kids all know exactly where they want to go! I thought it was really sweet that they all want to go on It's a Small World in memory of Grandma. I am not sure that should be the first ride....maybe the last. It was Mom's favorite ride so it will be a flood of memories for me and the song is really annoying and I don't want to be singing it all day! So we are off to sunny California on Friday at noon. I guess I have a chance at that "real good tan" for Christmas after all. Well maybe not "real good" but better then if I stayed here in this awful snow!
Basketball is in full swing and that mean I am never home! I guess that is no different then fall when I have football and soccer going on for the other 3 kids but basketball plays twice as many games. She plays every Tuesday and Thursday and sometimes Friday and Saturday. They have only lost one game and that was in overtime. They are a really good team! Go Alyssa
We went home to Idaho this last weekend....well I guess it has been 10 days ago now. I am really behind in my posting! Kaytee was baptized on Saturday which was her 8th birthday. That was really a neat thing! She looked so beautiful. We then went to Leo's for a birthday party. The older kids played laser tag and the adults tried to keep the little ones out of the "blue" cake. Blue icing stains everything in case you are wondering! Afterwards we took the kids to a movie....the teen saw that vampire movie (I can't even remember the name right now and I know I am going to be massacred for that by all of you Edward lovers!) and the younger kids saw Bolt, which was a pretty funny movie I might add. After the movies we went shopping at the mall. I am not big into shopping. How is that? I love clothes but I hate to shop for them. I guess I just like to go into one or two store, get what I want, and go home. My girls, however, could shop all night thus, we were at the mall for several hours. After church on Sunday, we went to see my Mom's grave. It was the first time had been back since the funeral. It was emotional but good for me. Brandon did OK, Ashlee struggled. It is so hard to see you kids suffer and know that I cannot take the pain away. As a mother you want to "fix" everything and in most cases I can fix things but not this. I can only hold them while they grieve. I hate it!
My big accomplishment this week......Christmas cards were sent out! If you didn't get one, I don't have an address. Sorry! No letter this year. I just didn't feel like writing one and I figured that this blog says it all. No hand made cute things either. Walmart photo dept did my cards and did a pretty good job too! I may just have to use them again. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
Have fun! I am so jealous!
We got our card. LOVE IT! The picture is beautiful!
Looks like you found a sweater for Brandon. Perfect.
Be sure to let us know that you made it to Cali.
Good luck with the weather there!!! Blake & Kelsey have had school canceled ALL WEEK long there because of snow!!! I know you will have a great time.
Hey, say hi to all my Homies there, hahahahah!!!!
You guys have so much fun! I am so jealous! Be safe! Luv ya!
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