Since being released from my calling, I have come into more spare time. I have struggled a bit with what to do with all this extra time so last week I started a list. I started more of a "chart" then a "list" actually. I listed each room in the house and started writing down all the things I need to do or want to do in that room. The chart was filled in quite quickly! I had to add a Misc. section for the things that didn't fit into just one room like plant a garden this spring, clean the carpets in the whole house, buy a tree for the know that kind of stuff. I realized that I did not have as much spare time as I thought.....just a whole lot of unfinished or not yet started projects to be done. I took a whole week developing the list and then put it away and went out of town for Valentine's Day weekend. So Fun!!!
Monday was President's Day so there was no school. I had every intention on getting up and tackling my "list" I figured that I could get a few items done since the kids would be home that day BUT......I chose chill out instead. I just plain flat did not feel like working on a darn thing. This got me to thinking.....since I have been evaluating my life a lot the past two weeks anyway......was I being lazy or just taking time to relax? Hum??? Laziness and relaxation actually "look" the sitting on the sofa reading! So I asked the kids. They said if the house is a mess then it is lazy if the house is clean it is relaxing. (I have trained them well!!!) The house wasn't exactly dirty but there were things I could do, that's for sure. So I asked Dave and he couldn't think of anything to say. I think he figured it was a trick question and he would get in trouble either way! As I continued to ponder this, I got up and cleaned the bathrooms, did a load of laundry and then decided to take Alyssa and her friends to a movie. I asked Alyssa what she thought about it and she whipped out her cell phone and said "let's ask cha cha ."
Me- "what is cha cha?"
Alyssa- "It is this place you just text questions to and they answer them.....Oh I can't explain it. Just let me ask."
OK.....waiting for a response.......we think we have stumped them because it took a few minutes to get a response. Finally the answer
" When you are lazy you are disinclined to work or exert any energy but when you are relaxing you are resting from a hard day's work."
So does that mean that if you are sitting on your behind in the morning you are lazy but if you are sitting on your behind in the evening, you are relaxing? Hum.......
What was your calling? I seem to recall reading something about the RS presidency? (Am I warm?) If so, You definately deserve the rest. How long were you in?
BTW - relaxation is earned & deserved (whether it is morning or evening- you may not have time to relax in the same day you earned it - it is transferrble from day to day). Laziness is simply taken! But every once in a while a lazy day can be necessary too.
Definitely deserve some DOWN time, whether you want to call it lazy or relaxing, it's deserved!
Too bad I didn't get your ChaCha question, I answer questions for them, it's kinda fun! See all the new things you're learning facebook, now ChaCha, what's next?!
I love this response! I am always telling the kids it's hard for me to relax and sit if the house is a mess. This answer is pure, simple, and to the point. Great converstion for dinner tonight!
And does it matter what you're doing while sitting on your behind?
For instance is it lazy if you're watching television, while knitting or reading would be a more acceptable form of relaxation? And what about sitting on my butt while I'm on the computer?
You my dear are entitled to a bit lazy-relaxation for a while though!
If it starts to make you feel bad about yourself, then it's time to get moving again.
Well....I think I have opened a can of worms! Here is the problem for me....I am not a morning person so I would have to say that I am "disinclined" to do anything before 9 AM. Do I feel guilty....sometimes... but not enough to change my ways! I think I am perfectly content being a bit lazy in the mornings, then make up for it in the afternoon. I like Traci's answer...relaxation is earned and I can save up time for weeks and then take an entire day or more sitting around being disinclined and smile about it!
Does anyone want to come over and be lazy with me?
I am not sure if I like that answer from "Cha cha"!!! What the crud, Cha cha!!! I need you to call me this week because since you now have sooooo much free time Ashley and I need help in designing an invitation for her pageant, so call!!!
I think it depends also in what you did the day before! Some mornings I am relaxing as the day before I worked form sun up to sun down and am just now--the next morning-- getting time to "relax from a hard days work"
SO, I think...getting released, having the kids home...being a teacher..blah blah blah...makes you one "RELAXING" lady! Hope you enjoyed it, because your personality sounds as though it is telling you it is time to get your lazy butt off the couch and earn some more relaxation time!
Okay I have been crazy and just came across your card and wanted to say hi. I think you are okay to relax. I think it is okay to be lazy once in a great while too. How are things going, your family is beautiful. I have so much to tell you I will call you or email me so I will have your email.
I often ponder that same question.I have always felt relaxation is earned,but I am trying to change my thinking to relaxation is deserved.I have to remember that I am worth every bit of the relaxing I do.In Jan.I heard Oprah say that she became unhappy when she took herself off her"to do" list.So I am trying to put myself back on that list and RELAX. I did not know you were released. I bet you are enjoying your free time. How is it? I envy you.Is it okay to admit that? Things have been crazy in my presidency lately.Let's talk soon!!
Funny & interesting. Not sure what to think about Cha Cha. FUNNY!
I still don't get Cha Cha...what the heck is it? This is quite the interesting post...very deep Jenn. Here is my thing...I am perfectly content with being lazy somedays. I think that sometimes you need to just chill and that doesn't have to come only on a day that you are "relaxing" from a hard day. If that means that laundry and dinner are never done...then time to get motivated. But, sometimes it is okay for laundry to get backed up and dinner to be cold cereal. We all deserve a break. Now, being lazy when it comes to parenting or your marriage or friendships...whole other issue. Those are more serious things that need constant attention. But, sitting on your behind once in a while even though the house is messy...not that big of a deal. Whether you are napping, watching t.v., blogging, doesn't matter as long as you are enjoying it.
jenn you are anything but LAZY!! Sadly I think it is programed in us siters that we think if we sit for a while we are lazy. I ask myself this same question all the time. My answer to myself is this:
1. Are the kids needs met that day?
2. I did get some things done today, and if it was no ALL the laundry then ok.
3.As long as the house is picked up I feel ok, it does not need to be perfect. I just feel better if it is clean.
Yes, I would love to come over and be lazy with you. I am not a morning person either. My thoughts on this is mothers every where need both. We should not feel guilty for taking time out every so often if we don't then we go "NUTS" after all, God even took a day off. Does that make him lazy? No. If you want to read a good book I just love, read, "It's okay to Take a NAP and other reassuring Truths for Mothers Everywhere" by Debra Sansing Woods. It's great.
Alright, my two cents is this: when I'm being "lazy" I don't feel better afterwards....vs. when I'm relaxing I feel like I can get whatever is on my list done AND be in a better mood about it. Spotless house or happy mom? Which do you think your children would chose?
Oh, and I thought that you were going to say that you made your list, went away for the weekend, and then came home to all of it done. Thank goodness that wasn't the case, or I'd never read your blog again ;)
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