I just don't get all the hype over facebook.....actually I don't get facebook at all. I have had several people invite me to be friends and the first problem is my computer wouldn't let me on.
We have a pretty good Internet blocker installed since all the kids have computers......it's that safety thing!!! I have the password to override a particular site but for some reason, even with the override, facebook would not work. Curiosity got the best of me and I had Alyssa create an account for me on her computer (for whatever reason that site works on her computer). She called me when it was ready and I looked at it and said" I don't get it?" I know I am computer stupid but I really don't get what the big deal is! I have enough trouble keeping up this blog so posting my "status" everyday is just not going to happen! I have officially decided that I am a "blog" girl not a "facebook" girl so sorry friends.....I won't be setting up camp on facebook even when Dave does get time to figure out what my computer's problem is!
We are on letter "O" in preschool this week and I have learned that there is a transformer for just about every letter in the alphabet! Today I got to see several of optimus prime....is that how you even spell that? My boys are not into transformers so I am learning about them from 3 and 4 year olds......a very funny experience!
I am not a person that likes change! I seem to have been thrown into alot of change this past few months....to the point that I don't even recognize my own life anymore. That is not to say it is all "bad' but it is certainly not any fun! There is security in doing the same things all the time. If I am honest.....it is a sense of control also. I am feeling like I am no longer in control of most things around me. I have realized that I have the ability to draw on the spiritual reservoir I have been trying to build up! At least I am aware that Heavenly Father IS in control and I have faith that all this is for my good. I know that in my head but for today I just feel sad and out of place.
I just went to wash my hands and realized that I have no hot water! WHAT??? The hot water was working fine this morning! I am hoping that when my somewhat mechanically inclined husband gets home, he can figure out what happened. Hopefully just a pilot light or something easy. We just had the dryer go out and had to pay someone to fix that last week. No Fun! I will pray that I am not paying for another repair on a fairly new water heater.....about 2 years old.....that is new for a water heater isn't it?
I LOVE Valentine's Day. I am pretty darn lucky to be married to a hopeless romantic. He always goes way out of his way on Valentine's Day. This year we are going away for the night. The kids are staying at a friends house and we are going to dinner and maybe a movie. We are even thinking about going dancing somewhere....if we can find a decent place to go. We will probably go to temple square on Sat and see the Joseph Smith movie and walk around temple square then go to an early dinner. I just can't wait!!!
We are in the process of registering Alyssa and Tyler for HS and I can't believe how complicated it can be! There are so many decisions to make and they are really important ones. Like the difference in AP, concurrent enrollment, and distance learning courses. Alyssa is trying to graduate HS with her Freshman year of collage done and that is somewhat complicated. If we make one bad choice now, it effects what classes she can take next year. They are both going to a new HS next year which just adds to the complications! The counselor are all new too. I just don't remember it being this crazy when I was in school!
I like being well.......I have been sick with the flu and we all know that Mother's do not get the luxury of being sick and resting in bed. We have to still take care of all the things we usually do while feeling lousy. It makes me realize that good health is a blessing!
I hope you feel better Jenn!! You seem very busy, so what's with you saying you're not. I have been so unmotivated lately...grrr I hate that.
Love ya though!!
I can't help but laugh about the change thing....we are SOOO different. I LOVE change (big surprise) and I think it's awesome to look back and see how much life has changed vs. how life "used to be." It's amazing that even when I FEEL like things have stayed the same, they really haven't. But that's what we are here on the earth to do, right? To change.
Hope you guys have fun on your V-day outing ;)
Jenn, Geeeezzzzze slow down :) I hate change too, I am right with you on that one. I feel content and secure with my every day routine. H.S. good luck it is soooooo different these days. I am so excited for them to go and you'll have to let me know how they like it. Be sure if Lyssa takes the AP classes that you pay the $85 at the end of each semester for her to take the AP test or else the class is really just a waste of time nd extra work. Just found that out with ASh! We miss you guys! Up for another gymnastics meet soon?
How did I miss this post? Shesh,! So much to comment about, but now it is so late it doesn't even matter--bummer. Just know, that I would have had soooo many GREAT things to say!
Well, I agree that change is very hard! Usually, we can't avoid it and it can be good but nonetheless, it's still hard. That's great that the kids are excelling in school. I'm proud of them.
Oh, and about Facebook...it's stupid! Don't do it. It sucks you in and before you know it you've been on the computer for hours and just plain flat wasted a lot of time. Overrated!!
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